
Online Learning Now In Your Fingertips

As we all have smartphones nowadays, being mobile-friendly is so important. We know that and we made our learning app. so anyone will be happy when they visit our online learning course.

Why Choose Us?

A choice that makes the difference.

Highly Experienced

Our highly experienced educators and modern features are included in our app.

Question, Quiz & Course Materials

Modal Examinations, SCERT Notes, PDF Notes, Subject and Topic Exams and many more.

Lifetime Course Update & Access

You will get the course until the examination or the course expiration date.

Online Classes

Please check out our online classes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

WhatsApp or call one of these numbers 8592092008, 8592092050, and 8592092034. The course will be activated within a minute. If you contact non-working day, the course will be activated on the next working day.

Yes, You can download the PDF notes.

The Lakshya Kerala learning app is a mobile app. You can use it on Android or iPhone. The web version ( of the app can used on a Laptop, TV or other browser-supported devices.

No, at a time one login is possible in the mobile app. But you can log in in the mobile app and web app at the same time with one number.

Contact Us

Indira Nagar, Vazhottukonam,
Opposite to HP Petrol Bunk,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695013
Customer Support : +91 8592092008, +91 8592092050, +91 8592092034